Stove Rope Repair Service

Solid fuel burning appliances must be serviced at regular intervals, typically prior to the start of each heating season.  A faulty stove will waste money on your fuel and can potentially release poisonous Carbon Monoxide into the property.

One of the main signs of the rope seal needing replaced is the glass blackened up with soot or you can't control the rate of burn. Rope seals are found around the door and also under the glass on every stove. It allows the glass and metal to expand and retract under heat while still keeping a tight air seal ensuring the air-wash to perform correctly by keeping the glass nice and clear and the fuel burn efficiently. These ropes harden or burn away after about a year and need to be replaced.

Checking for signs of deterioration:

  • Firmly close the stove door and listen carefully for the soft sound of the rope gasket, not metal, hitting the body of the stove. If you hear metal then they need to be changed! 
  • Do the "paper " test. Open the stove door and close a strip of paper in between the stove door and the stove body so that half of it is inside the stove and the other half is outside. Make sure the door is closed properly. Try to pull the slip of paper out. Repeat this every 10 cm around the door, it should not slip out easily. If there is an area in the door where it slips out easily, then the door seal needs replacing.

Stove Rope Repair Service

We have one of three options when it comes to your stove rope repair:

  • Our chimney sweep, Stu, can carry out your stove rope repair at the same time as your stove is having its annual service or as part of a larger job such as getting your stove glass replaced.
  • Do it yourself: You can buy a stove rope replacement kit consisting of rope and adhesive, However, we wouldn’t recommend taking this on unless you are fully confident of the task
  • Bring the door into our store: With most stoves, it’s fairly easy to remove the door. We will be happy to carry out your stove rope repair for you if you bring the door into their store.

We have a large selection of Stove Spares & Accessories for your wood-burning and multi-fuel stove. These products will help to ensure your stove runs with maximum efficiency for years to come. We supply a large range of products for you to keep your stove maintained including Ropes; Rope Seal Kits; Webbing Tapes; Adhesives; Cements; Cleaning Products. We also have a selection of essential accessories for your stove including stove fans; moisture meters; thermometers; gloves and more. 

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